By Published On: March 2, 2024Categories: NEWS
In the lead-up to Iran's highly contested parliamentary elections, a courageous wave of dissent is sweeping the nation as the youth of Iran boldly reject what they perceive as a charade of democracy orchestrated by the ruling regime.

In the lead-up to Iran’s highly contested parliamentary elections, a courageous wave of dissent is sweeping the nation as the youth of Iran boldly reject what they perceive as a charade of democracy orchestrated by the ruling regime.


With a history marred by four decades of oppressive rule, the Iranian people are increasingly skeptical of the Majlis and its electoral process, viewing it as a mere tool serving the interests of the Revolutionary Guards and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.


Leaked confidential documents from dissident groups further substantiate the people’s suspicions, revealing a parliament that allegedly exploits its power to siphon the nation’s wealth while disregarding the genuine will of the populace. As the Iranian regime anticipates a substantial boycott of the elections, the sentiment is mirrored in nationwide protests, with diverse segments of society vociferously declaring their refusal to partake in what they deem an illegitimate political exercise.

Resistance Units, a network of activists aligned with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), are actively amplifying the people’s dissent through a series of impactful actions. On February 28th, these units set electoral posters ablaze in major cities, including Tehran, Mashhad, Karaj, and Ahvaz, signaling a powerful rejection of the perceived sham elections. In their actions, the units explicitly convey a demand for regime change, asserting that the time for a revolution has arrived.





Individual testimonials from Resistance Units members paint a vivid picture of the Iranian people’s frustration with the existing system. From Tehran to Abadan, voices rise against the regime, with calls for a new era led by figures like Maryam Rajavi. The sentiment is echoed in more than 60 cities, where Resistance Units dismantle promotional materials and spread anti-regime slogans, uniting in a collective boycott against the electoral spectacle.

Despite Supreme Leader Khamenei’s persistent appeals for public participation, reports suggest a turnout of less than 9 percent. This starkly low participation underscores the regime’s legitimacy crisis and exposes internal divisions, despite extensive efforts to mobilize voters.

The Resistance Units’ tireless campaign against the sham elections coincides with a regime crackdown, with authorities deploying intelligence, military, and security forces to quell dissent. This desperate response highlights the significant challenge posed by the people’s rejection of the regime’s attempts to project an illusion of legitimacy and democracy.





In conclusion, the Iranian people’s widespread boycott and active resistance against the regime’s propaganda reflect a deep-seated desire for meaningful change. These protests stand as a testament to the ongoing struggle for freedom, democracy, and a government that genuinely represents the aspirations and interests of the Iranian people.



MEK Iran (follow us on Twitter and Facebook), Maryam Rajavi’s on her siteTwitter & Facebook, NCRI  (Twitter & Facebook), and People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK IRAN – YouTu

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