By Published On: January 1, 2024Categories: NEWS
On December 26, 2023, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of the Iranian regime delivered the news of the death of Razi Mousavi, also known as "Seyed Razi," the acknowledged leader of the "Resistance Front" in Syria.

On December 26, 2023, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of the Iranian regime delivered the news of the death of Razi Mousavi, also known as “Seyed Razi,” the acknowledged leader of the “Resistance Front” in Syria.


This revelation sent shockwaves through international circles, shedding light on a previously unknown figure within the IRGC.

Despite the brevity of the IRGC’s official announcement, additional details emerged from various sources, providing a glimpse into the circumstances surrounding Mousavi’s demise. Reports suggested that he had been targeted by three Israeli rockets in the Zainabiya region near Damascus, following his departure from the regime’s embassy. The attack, which took place at 4:10 p.m., left many questioning the specifics of the event.

Notably, the news of Seyed Razi’s death brought attention to his significance within the IRGC and the so-called “resistance front.” While Mousavi remained largely anonymous in Iran, his role in organizing the IRGC Quds Force and his pivotal contributions were acknowledged by senior officials.


According to Mehdi Chamran, head of the Tehran City Council, Mousavi played a crucial role in the region for an extended period.

According to Mehdi Chamran, head of the Tehran City Council, Mousavi played a crucial role in the region for an extended period.


The mysterious nature of Mousavi’s activities became apparent as high-ranking officials and individuals close to him shared their perspectives. Narges Soleimani, daughter of the late Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, recalled her interactions with Mousavi, emphasizing his close association with her father.

As the news of Mousavi’s death unfolded, the Iranian regime’s President, Speaker of the Parliament, and other officials issued statements condemning the attack and promising consequences for Israel. An emergency meeting was announced by the spokesman of the National Security Commission of the Parliament, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

The circumstances surrounding Mousavi’s death, coupled with his previously unknown role and influence, have ignited speculation and intrigue. The media’s limited information about him, combined with testimonials from those who knew him, paints a picture of a significant figure within the IRGC and in Syria.


As investigations into Razi Mousavi's life and contributions continue, the true extent of his impact on the IRGC and the resistance front in Syria will become clearer.

As investigations into Razi Mousavi’s life and contributions continue, the true extent of his impact on the IRGC and the resistance front in Syria will become clearer.


Until then, the enigma surrounding this anonymous IRGC commander continues to captivate attention, inviting speculation about his role and significance within the Iranian regime’s operations in the region.




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