By Published On: August 8, 2023Categories: NEWS
In a perplexing sequence of events, Iranian state television confirmed a price increase for bread in 13 provinces on August 2nd, mere weeks after a frenzy of conflicting reports and denials about such a hike.

In a perplexing sequence of events, Iranian state television confirmed a price increase for bread in 13 provinces on August 2nd, mere weeks after a frenzy of conflicting reports and denials about such a hike.


As bread is fundamental to many Iranians’ livelihood, this action not only incites anger but also sheds light on the regime’s manipulation of news surrounding vital commodities.


Earlier on July 25th, Fars News Agency, closely associated with the IRGC, reported a sudden 40% jump in bread prices in Khorasan Razavi province. As a reference point, the popular Barbari bread’s cost went from 8,500 rials to 12,000 rials overnight.

This strategy seems to reflect the regime’s precarious balancing act. As they fear the repercussions of provoking their populace, they employ a tactic of spreading rumors, followed by denials, to gradually implement the price increase. They rely on distracting the masses with issues such as the livelihood struggles of bakers to slowly bring about price hikes.

An account from a local in Mashhad, as cited by the PMOI website, paints a vivid picture of public sentiment.



Prices of the commonly consumed Sangak bread leaped from 14,000 rials to 20,000 rials. Anecdotal discussions reveal people's understanding of the regime's tactics and their consequent frustration.

Prices of the commonly consumed Sangak bread leaped from 14,000 rials to 20,000 rials. Anecdotal discussions reveal people’s understanding of the regime’s tactics and their consequent frustration.


An analysis of news outlets reveals a deliberate and mixed messaging strategy:

  • Advisor to the Minister of Economy stated on June 7 that there’s “no news about the price of bread.”
  • Tasnim News Agency warned against any price increase on July 9.
  • Vice-Chairman of the Grain Science and Technology Association remarked on July 26 that prices were altered by individual provinces.
  • Quds website’s statement on July 27 hinted at the price discrepancy between flour and bread.
  • Shargh TV network anticipated a price revision by the end of August on July 7.
  • Islamic Republic newspaper on July 9 noted the bread price scheme would be executed gradually nationwide.
  • Aftab government website questioned the interior minister’s denial on August 3.

This continuous misdirection and manipulation, along with the skyrocketing prices, are extracting a hefty toll on an already impoverished and disgruntled population. The regime’s tactic of incrementally burdening people’s wallets is perilous. With escalating poverty levels and a rising cost for basic necessities, every individual grappling with hunger has the potential to catalyze a significant uprising.




This sentiment is echoed by the regime’s own media outlets. The Islamic Republic newspaper poignantly warned of the impending rebellion by a famished populace, stating, “Be afraid of the day that army of hungry people rise against you.”

This unfolding crisis offers a cautionary tale about the potential costs of governance that overlooks the basic needs and sentiments of its citizens.






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